Bill With Anastasia

Bill With Anastasia
Bill Eatmon - 1955 - 2006 Co-shepherd at Sheltering Pines from June, 1996 to August, 2006.


Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Looking Through Old Photos

I was looking through old photos on my pc last night and transferred a bunch onto one of those little devices that plugs into your usb port. (the little thing holds 1 G of memory!) My pc has been running "oddly" (slow) lately, and I thought I'd better get some of my photos backed up! Anyway, I found these of Bill and thought I'd share them!

Bill - March, 1996

Bill asleep with Bumper. Bumper was a kitten that rode in on a truck bumper where bill worked at the factory. No one wanted her so she came home with him. She had a special bond with Bill for the rest of his years. (Bumper is still with us)

Bill Eatmon Showing Spellbound, his 16 hand purebred Arabian Mare. (Russian) I can't remember the year. Several years ago.

Bill with "Betty Boop"...his needle felted "creation". (at Greencastle Fleece Fair)
(few years ago)
My sister, Beth, modelling a hat that Bill needle felted. (3 years ago approx?)

Bill on his Gelding, Koleed. (Arabian Horse) Probably about 1997

Bill relaxing at home


Nancy K. said...

Thanks for sharing the photos! Bill had a very rich life. He lives on through you....

Kathy said...

Wonderful pictures! I didn't know Bill, but I think we would have hit it off talking about sheep and Arabians.
Thank you for sharing him with us through your photos and comments, Stephen.